Monday, February 28, 2011

Beach Encounter: He Never Disappoints!

Yesterday I went to the beach yesterday to sit still and listen to God. I also went to read the scriptures. I wanted to hear God speak to me about some situations in my life. At times I felt the the waves were His words talking to me with each thrust towards me on the shore. He never disappoints! He spoke some amazing things to me yesterday. He told me to “think big!” He reminded me that I echoed this out during a song while leading worship earlier that day; I spoke it prophetically. Ironically, I came to the peacefulness of the beach to hear Him more clearly, and He lovingly reminded me that I was hearing Him even during worship! He also gave me some creative ideas and a few lyrics for some songs. He also confirmed the projects I have set my heart to doing in order to bring Him glory. So, keep your ears open and listen; He is speaking. We need to be open and willing to hear! Most importantly, we MUST be willing to do whatever He asks of us!

The enclosed picture was taken during this special moment!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Dealing With Worry is Easy: Laud it Away!

What are you worried about today? Philippians 4:6-7 (NLT) says, “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all He has done.” Is is that easy?

The truth is we worry though we pray; we give it to God, but we pick it right up again. For example, I awoke this morning from a restless sleep, and I was still worrying about a plethora of things. How will my students do on the FCAT this Tuesday? How will things work out with my children, extended family, and friends’ challenges; when will they find that the Lord can meet all their needs, despite whatever fire they are walking through? I was praying, which was still in worry, about a dear friend. What about my husband’s cough, asthma, and high blood pressure? What about the book I am writing and my blogs? Will He use them? I was concerned about my foot, which is still not healed. Why this, and why that? These are just a few of the steams that were running directly from my heart to the Lord. I felt like they were bouncing off a mirror and right back into my heart!

These words were prayers, but they were jam-packed with worry; they lacked praise and thankfulness. I received no sense of rest that things would come together. I was not settled! I had been up most of the night thinking and wrestling with all this stuff. I fed my flesh by eating bagels and nuts, and I turned to Facebook, reading posts and commenting. I fed my spirit; I read and prayed. I even sent my dear friend a message of encouragement. Yet, I did not feel His peace completely over it all. I finally fell asleep!

So, like I said, I woke up with worry and chains attached to me. I was bogged down. I persevered and began to read the Message Bible. I needed to prepare for leading worship tomorrow. God move me forward as I prayed. Shake off this worry and turmoil! Lead me to Your water. My cistern is full of fret; consume my fire of worry with Your life giving spirit. My lips are dry. I thirst for You. Oh God, get me beyond myself.

As I began to seek the Lord, I found the following scripture: Philippians 4:6 -7. It says, “Don't fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God's wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It's wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life.” (The Message). I forgot that prayer streams require praise and thanksgiving; otherwise, they are shaped in worry. I never praised God for taking care of any of it and or for answering my prayers. I never thanked Him. I had moments of meeting Him, and He quickened some scriptures and a song title for me to send to a friend, but I never got into His secret chamber. I guess I didn’t hear Him say, “Take your jacket off and stay a while; come in my child.” Man, I missed out. He has and had peace prepared for me; I really did miss out.

I am also perplexed by the fact that maybe I am used to carrying worries; so, I choose to carry them. I am being honest. When truth began to illuminate my heart this morning, He reminded me that worry is not what I was created to do. If I carry this worry water, I will eventually have physical symptoms. Meaning, He will get my attention some how, but He will also point me in the right direction!
It says in 1 Peter 2:9 (NKJV) that “you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.” You must be wondering that if I am walking in His marvelous light, then why I am surrounded by so many problems? Peter reminds us not to “be surprised at the fiery trials you are going through, as if something strange were happening to you.” (1 Peter 4:12 NLT). He also tells us that we will suffer with Him. Suffering means discomfort, trails, and pain. Furthermore, in 1Peter 5:10 (NLT), He declares that “after you have suffered a little while, he will restore, support, and strengthen you...” I don’t think the way He does. I do not understand what “a liitle while” refers to, and it is difficult to assign an allotment or time frame to how long the trouble or troubles, for that matter, will last. In fact, it seems like it has been a long time of suffering and not a “little while”. Yet, the Bible tells us to count these trials as joy (James 1:2 NKJV). Does this mean to find joy in suffering too? The answer is yes if I want to share in His glory (1 Peter 5:10 NLT).

I guess we are back where this whole thing started: Philippians 4:6 (NLT), “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” Yes, we all worry, but the Lord tells us HOW to deal with worry. I thought why not try it: Ok Lord, I will shape my prayers with praise. I will enter into Your chamber room, and let you consume my worry. I will praise and thank you in these struggles. My lips will speak of your awesomeness. I will look for Your goodness in the land of the living, and I will thank you for answered prayer. I trust You, and I will not leave your chamber until I have found and embraced Your joy. Amazing! I prayed that and now I am settled.

Why don’t you take a moment and “give your cares to the Lord" (1 Peter 5:7 NLT)? You can’t give or get rid of them unless you shape your worries with praise and thankfulness. He will renew you and give you rest! What are you waiting for?

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Are You Ready to Walk on Water and Take New Ground?

I am walking in a “give it all you've got, and go for it thinking”. I was cognizant of it today when I saw the sign: Faith Blvd. This road sign is a symbolic representation of the stretching that is occurring in the natural and the spiritual. Thus, I am moving out of my comfort zone and right out on Faith Blvd.

The scenery on Faith Blvd. is not much different than the road I was on prior. The crucial idea here is that I am on the right and prepared road. It does not mean I will know what to do at every turn or when each turn will occur, but in this moment, I am “walking by faith and not by sight” ; I am skipping along on Faith Blvd. (2 Corinthians 5:7 NKJV). I am embracing today though I consider the same worries I used to; I am no longer bound by them. Like I said, I am confronted with the same problems, chaos, demons, and distractions on this road, but I also see the same opportunities to minister, encourage, bless, and serve.

What’s different? Well, now that I actually took the turn, I am on the road. There has been a paradigm switch. I see things more vividly; my choices are clearer. I am also tuned in with the creator of this road; we commune together as we did before, but now I really trust God and lean on what He says on His road. It’s a new day and a new season in God.

When I know what He has told me to do, it is easier to think about “walking on water or taking new ground”. To me, this means sitting down and writing the book about praise and worship that he told me to scribe in the early 1990s. I wrote the introduction today, and I started walking down Faith Blvd.

What about you? Are you on Faith Blvd., did you get off Faith Blvd., have you retreated, or are you thinking about getting back on and embracing the journey? There is nothing you cannot handle with God. He is with you 100% of the way. It’s time to embrace this “give it all you've got and go for it” mentality. What have you got to lose? Faith Blvd. is calling you!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

A Shower of Edification & Gifts

Just recently I attended an event: IT’S ALL ABOUT LOVE-Learn the principles of love for healing and the prophetic touch for your community. I went to learn how I can do just that. While there, I received a deeper impartation of the gift of healing, words of knowledge, & prophecy. However, something I did not expect to happen... did!

As the Kingdom of God advances, the enemy roars louder and more often; I want to have every tool possible to break the chains that have been nearly cemented on His people and myself. I was reminded of the gifts of the spirit in 1 Corinthians 12: verses 7-11 (NKJV). It stated that “(7)…the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all: (8) for to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit, (9) to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healings by the same[b] Spirit, (10) to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. (11) But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills.” So, I understand that though God gives these gifts to men; each man may have some and not all of them. They also may have a deeper measure of one gift over another. Yet, in each one there is purpose.

Again, that day I received a deeper impartation. I find this essential for warrior living! Walking in these gifts, like the disciples did, is what I believe God is trying to compel His people to do. Numerous Christians are caught up in God making their lives better. Don’t get me wrong; God is in the fixing business, but He wants us to get beyond ourselves, get out there, and start walking in His gifts. When we do just that, we will be able to look back and see that He has taken care of everything.

So what happened to me this wonderful day? God confirmed some things to me. Knowing these things beyond a shadow of doubt, has freed me. I was edified and encouraged. I received the following words:

1. Music and leading worship is not the only gift! Let the gifts come out!
2. I will write and publish a book in 2011.
3. The Lord will give me Psalms with melodies, sounds and rhythms together that will reach an audience that has not been reached.
4. These songs will be simple and creative.
5. Healing will happen when I am leading worship.
6. I exhaust myself in the Lord, He strengthens me. This is the pattern.

Yes, the above is all confirmation. The Lord has asked me to write a book about taking His children into the high mountain of praise; I see how many of these gifts will operate in the writing and reading of my book. Though it was in the early 1990’s when I first heard, I am just now putting my hand to the plow. It never left my heart -I played with it off and on- then I put in on the shelf. He has also impressed upon me to use my voice and writing to put together Psalms and songs. Yep, you guessed it. I put that on shelf too. Doubt was the wall of my cessation. I could not go over it or under it. I have been asking myself these thought provoking questions: Who am I to do these things, how will I write this book and songs, who will read or buy this book and CD? Forget promoting the products, speaking, websites, and blogs, I didn’t need to worry about any of that. The devil had me stopped in his sticky tracks. It was time to go through the wall! It’s not about who I am or what I can do; it’s all about Him and what He is going to do!

I have been trying to get beyond myself, hear from God, and open my life to Him so He can move. He has used many people, objects, His word, and His voice to confirm what He is asking me to do for Him right now. I have been distracted with many things. Now I am like a mother bird getting food for her babies. I won’t stop doing it because I know that He has put food for the nations inside of my being for His people. I am prophesying to the ones He is sending me to reach: The saved, broken, chained, and lost. So, going to this conference made sense. I knew I heard about all of the things listed on the conference itinerary before I got there, but I knew God had something special planned just for me! You see I went, expected, and He showed up. I had no idea He would minister to me in such a dynamic way. God is good! He confirms; He speaks!

Reference: Bible Gateway

I Corinthians 12: 1-11

Romans 12:6

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Chamber Rendezvous: A Psalm of Refreshing

Tomorrow is a dawning day.
Let me retreat to our secret chamber Lord;
And revel in our intimate rendezvous!
No more pain, no more sorrow, no more stress;
Just peace, love, and joy; no more distress!

I receive every ounce of strength I desire;
To face the greater challenges of tomorrow.
Yet, you woo me to relax and enjoy our reserved time.
I surrender to you just in case I have impure motives.
You read my heart; it beats for You only.

I want to be a clear and pure stream;
Transparent and drinkable by many.
I want my life to speak Your name:
Jesus, an epistle to be read and poured out!
May my countenance be changed because I am more like You.

Let me feel your breath momentarily.
Expanding the waters of my soul, refreshing me.
Do not hold back; I plead rain on me Lord!
I cannot face tomorrow without You.
I am a mere worm without Your spirit.

I want to be true to what You have entrusted with me.
I cannot go forward without Your Word directing me.
I have nothing left, and I am empty.
But I will go if You speak to me; I am all ears Lord!
I am ready, willing, and moving; I embrace Your precepts!

Fill me again and expand the corridors of my heart.
Fortify my veins with enduring pathways.
I will leap through limits and climb ALL obstacles in my path.
Let my pulse be Your pulse to those around me.
Let me bleed in the direction You send me; my life is Yours.

And tomorrow and after I have deposited Your intentions,
To the lost and needy in my circle; I am a surrendered vessel.
Your embedded gifts and passions are infused in my soul.
May my spirit find You in our chamber.
Let me hear sweet nothings, echoes of love, joy, and passion.

When man says no; I enquire of You.
Lord You have the inside scoop!
When You breath the words “yes”, I can do anything.
When You say go, I know all of the resources are on their way.
I don’t have to fear the unknowns; You know it all.

I can face today and tomorrow.
Your chamber doors are open to me day and night.
You impart supernatural strength to me,
I am taking it in like a strong but soothing wind.
I now have a new pep in my step; I skip in Your wind!

I trust You because you are with me every moment.
I drink in Your life in our chamber; I am like a young bride.
I can leap over ten mountains and scale 100 feet walls.
My time is our time; I haven’t missed out on anything.
I have an excess of energy because of your generosity

I can conquer today and tomorrow no matter what.
Since You talked to me and made me heart dance again,
I am rejoicing because I can look ahead to tomorrow.
I see the rain clouds moving; Your Words blew them away!
Great is Your faithfulness; I find it in Your chamber every time!

(C) Ileana Reich 2011

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Pregnant at 43!

I am pregnant and 43 years old; pregnant with a book, pregnant with speaking, pregnant with Psalms, pregnant with a worship and praise ministry, and pregnant with His Word. Pregnant, pregnant, pregnant, and its' painful, exciting, and scary all at the same time!

Being pregnant at this age takes a toll on my body; yet, I rejoice that these pregnancy pains, aka creation pains, are wildly and vividly moving in and through my spirit. Praise God, new life is coming forth! The stretching is uncomfortable. Moms you know the struggles that can occur during pregnancy. The funny thing is that once your baby is born, you eventually forget the trials of pregnancy and the labor pains. You faintly remember the struggles, such as nausea, swollen feet, and back aches. Despite the trials that occur during pregnancy, you anticipate the birth! The excruciating pain of pushing is quickly forgotten. Knowing these natural concepts helps me to look forward to what God has for me! I am embracing these new children.

In Romans 8: 18 -21 (MSG) is states, “That's why I don't think there's any comparison between the present hard times and the coming good times. The created world itself can hardly wait for what's coming next.” As sons of God in this Earth, we wait with anticipation for so many things. This scripture gives me such hope and comfort that while I labor in this spiritual pregnancy, the new seeds will come forth. “Meanwhile, the joyful anticipation deepens.” I wait for you Lord to bring it to pass. I trust you through this pregnancy; I am obedient to the steps you are asking me to take, both big and small. This is my prayer in the struggle. I know good times are ahead! Jesus, your Word is alive in me.

I am encouraged as I read on in Romans 8 verses 22-25 (MSG). It states that “All around us we observe a pregnant creation. The difficult times of pain throughout the world are simply birth pangs. But it's not only around us; it's within us. The Spirit of God is arousing us within. We're also feeling the birth pangs. These sterile and barren bodies of ours are yearning for full deliverance. That is why waiting does not diminish us, any more than waiting diminishes a pregnant mother. We are enlarged in the waiting. We, of course, don't see what is enlarging us. But the longer we wait, the larger we become, and the more joyful our expectancy.” Praise God, in the spiritual my places are being enlarged.

I see the signs of stretching and am learning to do things I never did before. I am growing in the area of using technology. This is just one area I am mentioning as an example; I am also making myself sit down and write. I am getting ready for God to use me for a greater purpose beyond myself. I have had a paradigm switch. I am pregnant with the “Word”. It’s time to speak it! I have been frantically making lists and being obedient. I am also pregnant with a book. It was prophesied this past Sunday by my Pastor, Keith Jones, “Publish that book!”

What more do I need to hear? Things have been difficult; should I think them as odd or strange? No. Also, I could easily grow weary, but as I read on in Romans 8, I understand that “God's Spirit is right alongside helping us along. If we don't know how or what to pray, it doesn't matter. He does our praying in and for us, making prayer out of our wordless sighs, our aching groans. He knows us far better than we know ourselves, knows our pregnant condition, and keeps us present before God. That's why we can be so sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good.” I love this! He knows our pregnant condition, and He is going to work something good- it says every detail- it’s time to trust God! When I don't know what to do or say, I can pray and God prays through me when I don't have the word. This truth and event brings me such peace.

You see it says that “God knew what he was doing from the very beginning. He decided from the outset to shape the lives of those who love him along the same lines as the life of his Son. The Son stands first in the line of humanity he restored. We see the original and intended shape of our lives there in him. After God made that decision of what his children should be like, he followed it up by calling people by name. After he called them by name, he set them on a solid basis with himself. And then, after getting them established, he stayed with them to the end, gloriously completing what he had begun.” He was shaping me before eternity began; He knows me by name. That’s enough for me! He is going to complete what He has begun. I don’t have to worry or fret. In fact, He wants me to rest. This is not easy for me to do, but I am learning to do it. He is showing me that all I need to do is be obedient and trust, and He will do the rest.

What are you waiting for you?

Monday, February 7, 2011

Leaps of Faith

"I am never doing that!" I remember when I said those words to my husband; his heart sank in his chest, and I had accidentally hurt him. I was stubborn, and I thought I knew it all.

Honestly, I never entertained moving from Michigan to Florida though my husband asked me to do it off and on for ten years. You see, I was NEVER moving to Florida. Now that I did it, I know that I made the right decision; I realize that God uprooted me and planted me into a new house of God and an up-and-coming community: North Port. He knew where my physical and spiritual address would eventually preside. Yet I was stuck in my microcosm, and I could not see beyond the safe and secure walls of my Michigan church family and its vision. I was planted, and I did not see that I had stopped growing. I saw a lot of fruit on my tree. I was satisfied and walking in this fruitfulness, but He had and has so much more for me to discover.

It took me ten years to be ready to move to sunny Florida; God knew how long I needed. He used my husband to introduce the idea, and he begged me for years. Once he let go and let God, I was freed. He trusted God that it would happen. He was the head of our family; he received the vision, but I needed to hear from God too. I was like Abraham's Sarah; she needed to hear that she was having a baby from God and not just her husband in her old age. She laughed when her husband told her because it did not seem likely or possible. She had her life figured out; I guess I thought I did too!

The word “move” first came from God in January 2003. I heard it in the bedroom, and I pondered moving to a new house. This interpretation landed us right back into marriage counseling.

On July 3rd, 2003, I heard the clear words "Move to Florida". How could it be any clearer? Mind you, I was pregnant with this seed for a long time; the seed came spiritually through my husband. I had uncertainty and fear about moving. I needed to know for sure that it was what God wanted for me and our home. I did not want to be out of the will of God, on a temporary tangent, or worse yet, walk away from God because I moved away from my somewhat paradise life in Michigan.

I did what any conscientious Christian would do: I put out my fleece that day. The word was confirmed by a very sweet girlfriend. You see, I had to know beyond a shadow of doubt that it was what God wanted me to do. But saying yes took all the faith in the world. I had an opportunity to listen; the windows of heaven were open to us. Would I leap? And once I did, my husband leaped with me.

He opened every door that needed to be open and closed doors that needed to be shut in three weeks time. We were moved, our house was rented, we had an apartment, and we both had teaching jobs. We started teaching on July 26th. That is a miracle. While many people thought our moved was planned, it was not.

So, I am here today and praising God. Things did not happen overnight. We moved across the state three times. I cried for friends; I cried for God. I was looking for God to plant me in a place where I could grow and be a blessing to others. I wanted to use my gifts, but I knew I had some fears I needed to overcome. I wanted to move forward; I thought I was stuck. We are finally planted and growing in an awesome church: Gulf Coast Assembly of God (GCAG). We have true friends. We are loving life and making a difference.

What would have happened if I moved prematurely? I think it would have been a disaster even though he would have gotten me back on track. We can go the hard or easy way. He gives us a choice. In fact, we can even suffer and say no, but he keeps wooing us back. For His plans are good for us; He knows what will ultimately satisfy. We think we know our hearts, but we do not.

I want to impress upon you the importance of listening for God and looking for Him in everything. I am reminded of the Battle of Jericho. The victory came easy because of obedience. They were told to walk around the city for six days. On the seventh day, they marched first and waited for the word: shout. They gave the victory shout at the appointed time. Thus, God had everything aligned on the seventh day; if they had done it any sooner, they would have failed.

In short, you don’t have to spend hours in prayer to hear from God; He speaks to us, and He speaks in His word. His sheep, that's us, know His voice. He uses circumstances and people to speak into our lives too. When He does speak, move and take the leap of faith. He also want us to be obedient. If you have heard from God and when you look back, you can be sure you heard right. There is no need to question, just trust. You can know that God is and was with you every step of the way. You can look to Him for hope because He is with you right where you are; this is the secret to standing: know where you are placed and trust! When it’s time to leap, do it and trust! It’s really much simpler than it sounds. On that note, I’m keeping it real!

*I am enclosing this photo of two close friends I have come to know and love in North Port, Florida! I met them at GCAG! It is so good to laugh again.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

“Frontline Principles: Seven Keys to Moving Forward”; WOW January 2011

WOW January 2011 Speaking Points:
1. Get dressed for battle; put on the “armor of God”.
2. Make room for God and surrender your will to His will.
3. Seek God; listen for Him and to Him!
4. Fight fear right in the eye; dispel every lie with a scripture!
5. Walk by faith; be obedient!
6. Keep looking ahead press forward!
7. Stand!
© Ileana Reich 2011

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