Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Worship Awareness Equals God Awareness

The type of worship experience that you have may be an indicator of the temperature of your relationship with Christ. Read on to find out more.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Poem Live for Today- Link

I wrote this poem after talking to a friend at church last Sunday. It is important live in today and to know that Christ lives in today. To many of us live in past pains and hurts. Jesus lives with me and you right now in the now!

Poem Why -Link

This is a poem is entitled "Why" with no question mark. It could be called Anguish. Sometimes I feel like I ask God the same questions over and over.
Click on the link below to read this poem.

Poem: Room to Grow

We all have room to grow. The church needs to grow too. Here is a poem reflecting on this pertinent women's topic. While the church has come far in allowing women to minister etc., there seem to be some injustices that women suffer in the house of God in marriage counseling and ministry placement.

Poem: Ego Vision

What is Ego Vision? Is there any place for it in worship?
Click on the link below and read my poem on this experience.

The Pros and Cons About Life Groups

The pros and cons about life groups. Do they reach everyone, and should they be the number one focus of the church? What do you think about this? Click on the link below for more insightful information.

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