Yesterday I went to the beach yesterday to sit still and listen to God. I also went to read the scriptures. I wanted to hear God speak to me about some situations in my life. At times I felt the the waves were His words talking to me with each thrust towards me on the shore. He never disappoints! He spoke some amazing things to me yesterday. He told me to “think big!” He reminded me that I echoed this out during a song while leading worship earlier that day; I spoke it prophetically. Ironically, I came to the peacefulness of the beach to hear Him more clearly, and He lovingly reminded me that I was hearing Him even during worship! He also gave me some creative ideas and a few lyrics for some songs. He also confirmed the projects I have set my heart to doing in order to bring Him glory. So, keep your ears open and listen; He is speaking. We need to be open and willing to hear! Most importantly, we MUST be willing to do whatever He asks of us!
The enclosed picture was taken during this special moment!
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