Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Eleventh Hour

Dear Friends,

I woke up with the words "in the eleventh hour" in my spirit. I began to ponder these words and ask God what He was speaking to me. It's Saturday, which is my scheduled writing day. It seemed normal to wake up with a "word" in my spirit.

My message to you is that in the eleventh hour, God is able to meet your need. He is always right on time, never late, and never too early. You might be thinking right about now that it is near midnight. Where are you God? But the Word tells us that He will never leave us forsake us. God is not calling you to understand the trial, but to trust Him. Are you banging your head against the wall ineffectively? Remember that His thoughts are not our thoughts, nor are our ways His ways. His sense of time is not our sense of time. We don't run on the same continuum. Don't even try to figure it out. Trust Him! So, even though it may be your eleventh hour and you are pretty dog tired, God is ready to move. There is no reason to fret though there may be circumstances that normally may move you to worry.

I know that God will work it out. He says He will never leave us forsake us. We can trust in the eleventh and even in the twelve hour. God is in control and on His throne. So keep praising Him and remember, he is going to work it out! Why not pray right now. God I trust you in the eleventh hour. I know it's going to be ok. I am going to praise you anyway. Thank you for loving me. Even though it might feel like you are not there, Lord I know you are with me.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Hope - Hillsong

Dear Friends,
As I was preparing to lead worship this week, I began to meditate on the lyrics of this song. I felt led to go to and look at the scriptures that had hope in them. I was magically lifted as I began to read. I was enlightened and lifted from a lower plain to a higher plain in God. I was reminded of the many promises we have in His word. Let me share a few of these magical treasures with you.

One, the word instructs me to hope in Him all day long. Psalm 25:5 "Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long" (NIV). This is the key: thinking on Him.

Two, Psalm 39:7 says, “But now, Lord, what do I look for? My hope is in you." (NIV). This means I need to look for Him and not to other places to bring me hope. I need to keep my eyes on Him.

Three, Psalm 62:5 says, "Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from Him." (NIV). My soul will rest in God because I do find my hope in Him. I might need to call my soul into resting and speak this scripture, but I still have a choice. I can find rest. This is what I am choosing to do!

Four, "As for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more." (Psalm 71:14 NIV). I will always have hope. Jesus came to give us life (John 10:10b). He has an abundant life for us. This means we always have hope. To think we do not have hope is a lie. I believe the word of God.
Psalm 119:81 tells us that we can hope in His word. There is always hope!

Finally, Proverbs 13:12 says that, "Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life." (NIV). This tells me that if I have deferred hope, my heart will be sick. Why not reach out to God right at your computer and tune in to the hope line. It's taking calls as you read. May He pour His presence over you mightily and restore, revive, and renew your hope in Him.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Reserving the Right for Free-Time

Dear Readers,

One thing I have been trying to do is take the time to smell the roses more often. This means I have to make myself refrain from working and focus on something that is important to me. Even narrowing down what “thing” it will be could steal my joy, and if I am not careful, I try to cram too many things into one day. This week the Lord showed mea new way of looking at free-time.

You might have wondered if it ever seem like we make things too hard? I think we do, but man, I have to over complicate things. I guess it's just my way. Being given to detail can be a gift and a detriment wrapped in one package. Thus, I am learning to schedule me time, family time, Jesus time, and whatever other time I feel I need. I schedule it all-even free time is labeled. If you have seen my planner, you'd know why this makes me feel crazy.

But a revelation hit me this week, and I incorporated free-time with no label. I have reserved this time, thought it may be short, for what I feel impressed to do at that moment. What is nearby me that I am missing in the hustle and bustle of my life? My husband, my granddaughter, my friend, etc….. I think as I begin to do this more I am going to be a person who is full of more grace, faith, and love.

It’s time to stop and smell the roses more often and open our eyes to the grace, faith, hope, and love that is welcoming us. Don’t you think?

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Overflow Equals Harvest

This past Tuesday I spoke at Community Life in Port Charlotte, Florida at a Womens Ministry meeting. The Lord was faithful in giving me a the word that overflow equals harvest. He took me to Isaiah 61 and told me to remind these women that He had given us many gifts and garments to break the cycle of worry. Step four: praise, is key to breaking the cycle!

Once we break the cycle at whatever part in the cycle , we take our thoughts captive, and we get to praise, thanksgiving, and joy; the result is overflow. That we means we get beyond ourselves and our problems. We begin to truly trust God with our problems- no matter how big or small! How else will we get to doing the work of the harvest.

The overlfow spills out to others around us. This overflow brings about harvest if we begin to tell others what God is doing and what He will do as we trust Him. In short, overflow equals harvest.

We have all been commissioned by Christ to go into all the world and preach the gospel. Don't be intimiated by the word preach. Just go out and tell others what God is doing. Your words may bring them out of a miry pit and the sinners prayer is the next step.

If you are interested in reading more about this, below is the book mark that I gave out and the scriptures for that night. Enjoy!

The Bookmark

Breaking the Cycle with
Prayer & Thanksgiving
1. Denial
2. Question
3. Fear & Worry
4. Panic
5. Praise
6. Joy
7. Thankfulness
8. Overflow

Psalm 63:4I will praise you as long as I live,
and in your name I will lift up my hands.
© Ileana Reich
Harbinger Ministries 2012

Opening Scriptures:
Isaiah61:1-3- What we have been anointed to do and give

1. John 18:24-26 -Denial- It happens, but we can stop it!
2. Psalm 22:1- Question- It happens, but we can stop it!
3. Psalm 3:6 , Psalms 56:4, and 2 Timothy 1:7 Fear- We don't have to fear!
4. Isaiah 31:1- Panic can make us do all sorts of things!
5. Psalm 42:5, 2nd Samuel 22:1, Psalm 149:3, Psalm 8:2, Psalm 66:17, and Isaiah 61:3- Praise is a powerful decision.
6. Psalm 69:30-Thanksgiving leads to joy
7. Psalm 28:7 and Psalm 95:1- Joy leads to overflow
8. Collissians 2: 6-7- Overflow

Closing Scriptures:
2 Timothy 3:10-17- We are equipped and should do what we have been taught.
Colossians 2:6-7 -Thanksgiving is pertinet to overflow.

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