I woke up with the words "in the eleventh hour" in my spirit. I began to ponder these words and ask God what He was speaking to me. It's Saturday, which is my scheduled writing day. It seemed normal to wake up with a "word" in my spirit.
My message to you is that in the eleventh hour, God is able to meet your need. He is always right on time, never late, and never too early. You might be thinking right about now that it is near midnight. Where are you God? But the Word tells us that He will never leave us forsake us. God is not calling you to understand the trial, but to trust Him. Are you banging your head against the wall ineffectively? Remember that His thoughts are not our thoughts, nor are our ways His ways. His sense of time is not our sense of time. We don't run on the same continuum. Don't even try to figure it out. Trust Him! So, even though it may be your eleventh hour and you are pretty dog tired, God is ready to move. There is no reason to fret though there may be circumstances that normally may move you to worry.
I know that God will work it out. He says He will never leave us forsake us. We can trust in the eleventh and even in the twelve hour. God is in control and on His throne. So keep praising Him and remember, he is going to work it out! Why not pray right now. God I trust you in the eleventh hour. I know it's going to be ok. I am going to praise you anyway. Thank you for loving me. Even though it might feel like you are not there, Lord I know you are with me.