Dear Readers,
One thing I have been trying to do is take the time to smell the roses more often. This means I have to make myself refrain from working and focus on something that is important to me. Even narrowing down what “thing” it will be could steal my joy, and if I am not careful, I try to cram too many things into one day. This week the Lord showed mea new way of looking at free-time.
You might have wondered if it ever seem like we make things too hard? I think we do, but man, I have to over complicate things. I guess it's just my way. Being given to detail can be a gift and a detriment wrapped in one package. Thus, I am learning to schedule me time, family time, Jesus time, and whatever other time I feel I need. I schedule it all-even free time is labeled. If you have seen my planner, you'd know why this makes me feel crazy.
You might have wondered if it ever seem like we make things too hard? I think we do, but man, I have to over complicate things. I guess it's just my way. Being given to detail can be a gift and a detriment wrapped in one package. Thus, I am learning to schedule me time, family time, Jesus time, and whatever other time I feel I need. I schedule it all-even free time is labeled. If you have seen my planner, you'd know why this makes me feel crazy.
But a revelation hit me this week, and I incorporated free-time with no label. I have reserved this time, thought it may be short, for what I feel impressed to do at that moment. What is nearby me that I am missing in the hustle and bustle of my life? My husband, my granddaughter, my friend, etc….. I think as I begin to do this more I am going to be a person who is full of more grace, faith, and love.
It’s time to stop and smell the roses more often and open our eyes to the grace, faith, hope, and love that is welcoming us. Don’t you think?
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