Excuses, pretexts and/or fabrications, is that all it is? Or, is there a deeper reason? These are the thoughts I awakened to, and oh boy, did they get me going: What in the world is going on in my head? What did I eat last night?
Was it the comment I heard yesterday from a close church friend who said, “It was so good to hear the Pastor’s voice; it was nice to know that someone cared.” I considered this as I talked to her. I had Facebook messaged her a quick note this week, but was this what prompted these streams of thoughts, as I lay sleeping and now awake? Was it my other good friend’s comment from school who said yesterday, “Illy, it is so good to hear your voice; I just needed to hear it. It’s been so long!”? Am I too busy for people? That’s silly. It had to be my subconscious working on overdrive while sleeping. I am a good friend…….
I got to thinking about one of my favorite Bible verses “…speak Lord your servant hears” (1 Samuel 3:9 NKJV). This is when Eli tells Samuel that if he hears that voice again, tell God, speak, I am listening. He wasn’t sure what it was that he was hearing, but his mentor tells him it is God trying to get his attention. The God I know still acts and speaks in the same way He did back then. The word says that he is the same yesterday, today, and forever more” (Hebrews 13:8 NKJV). Should I expect anything less? No, and neither should you!
Traveling back in time as I lay there dozing in and out, I remembered a book I read by Pastor Patricia Gruitts’s book: Understanding the Master’s Voice. Each week we studied principles or ways to hearing God’s voice, which were all grounded in the Word. I am reminded of the wealth of teachings I had a Mt. Zion and the synergy of a large body that was compelled to serve God and move together in one purpose- a force to be reckoned with- to make a difference in this world! These were powerful days when I allowed God to build me one nail at a time for such a time as this when the tools are on my belt, and I am using mentoring nails on other people (Esther 4:14 NJKV).
I was about fifteen years back in my journey now, but I went back even further; this was serious. I was now thinking back twenty-five years. I remember a weekly homework exercise called Hearing Ears, which I encountered while studying the ministry at Mt. Zion Church, Clarkston, MI. Every Saturday morning I had to come in and turn in one of these slips before class started. Man, I used to sweat over these, but I learned to hear the voice of God.
Hmm…. So God, people need to hear other people’s voices, and they need to hear yours (I thought). This is the earth shattering point of this blog today?
I wonder if I if should just scrap this blog entry right now. This is a ridiculous place to end up. I never get up thinking I am going to write this or that today exactly, or this is going to be the point of my writing. I get up, pray about what is on my heart and mind (the topics for each blog), and then I ask God to direct my thoughts and key stokes. Because I need to trust that He directs my steps, I won’t delete it. Here it is: Everyone knows that we need to hear people’s voices and God’s voice, but why then all of the excuses?
Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God (Deuteronomy 8:3; Matthew 4:4, Luke 4:4 NKJV). The mouth of God implies that one can hear something coming out of His mouth. God speaks through His word, people, nature, and in our spirits. We will never hear these revelations if we do not open ourselves up to these experiences. We also will never hear if we are too busy with distracting stuff and even worse, getting off track, running from God, and going our own way because of any of it.
I learned about a running prophet in a heap of trouble who thought God had forsaken him named Elijah in Ministers Candidate School way back in the late 1980s. It says in1 Kings 19:12, “After the earthquake fire, but the Lord was not in the fire, and after the fire, a still small voice”. This is when God gets his attention: “Elijah, what are you doing here?” This is when his world stopped spinning. This was “the moment” when time stopped. This same time-stopping miracle moment can happen to us and does happen to us if we are willing to stop and listen. However, I need to clarify.
Yielding to hear God is not the same as stopping and hearing. When we stop to hear God, we are waiting for Him to give direction. When we yield in prayer as a routine measure, it is a mere pause. If we are not careful, we keep our plans, thoughts, baggage, and agendas. We can carry on in our will or plans for the day even though we have prayed.
You might be thinking I don’t have time to pray and seek God and listen. That could take hours. Yes, there is some truth to that. But God can speak to you in your car, while on your way to work. He can whisper to you as you order via the Wendy’s drive-through. You can choose to give the cashier the twenty dollar bill you were going to use to buy treasures at Goodwill. You can’t hear that if you are not open. Our minds are running a mile a minute. Slow down, breath in, and listen; you will be amazed what you hear as you stop and listen for that still small voice.
I also have to address a touchy area for many shipwrecked, bruised and abused Christians, back sliders, and once in a while church attenders. Forgive me if I step on any sacred cows or soap boxes here, but there are many reasons why people don’t go to church. I am sorry that many have been hurt in God’s house; not all churches are bad, though this, all, or any of the above may be one of your excuse. But the Word tells us that “God is greatly to be feared in the assembly of the saints, and to be held in reverence by all those around Him” (Psalms 89:7 NKJV). As I peruse Biblegateway.com and search the word assembly, I learn a lot about why I should go to church. I know several people who no longer go to church. My heart breaks for the good things they are missing! I have had to many people tell me I don’t need to go to church to hear from God.
Though we have a responsibility to hear and eat His bread at home, we go to church to get fed and listen reverently. This is where the Hearing Ear slips come back into this text, as what I am hearing in the house of God should be a near parallel to what I am hearing at home: A word of enrichment, elaboration, and confirmed revelation. I remember getting to the place where my Hearing Ear slips were on topic with my pastor. So, we come to church to hear the Word of God and grow. We then take that confirmed word out and share it with others. Yes, we come to praise, worship, encourage others, but if we understand that we come to hear the Word of God and we want it, then we would come more often, take sermon notes more often, and tell others more often what we heard in church. If your excuse is that your church is dead, is that a real excuse? Not really. Pray and ask God what you should do.
What about people speaking into your life. Should it be just anyone that you listen to? The Bible tells us that iron sharpens iron (Psalms 27:17 NKJV) and faithful are the wounds of a friend (Proverbs 27:6 NIVV). We want seasoned people with Godly wisdom speaking into our lives. Again, we need to take into consideration what we are hearing and not devising a rebuttal before they finish. This is another possible time-stopping moment where we have the opportunity to be changed if we listen. We may not take all that they say right there, as we should pray about it and then look for a confirming word to come via personal Bible reading, a radio broadcast or podcast, Sunday’s message etc. Nevertheless, one should always consider the source. I also feel led to say that if a person is not a Christian, I will NOT ask them for advice. I am looking for a pure unadulterated stream. There is too much “I” and “me” in people’s message out in “the world”. There is little talk about taking up the cross, seeking God, and living your life for God. These are not the tantalizing ideas that tickle our hearts and ears. Go back to the word. You have been deceived (1 Timothy 1:10; 2 Timothy 4:3; Titus 1:9). For example, you are married but your husband is not meeting your needs sexually. God wants me to feel satisfied- this is worldly thinking that seeks your own desires- I should go elsewhere. It’s not an affair; it’s just the sex. No, go back to the word. Please! What is a marriage covenant? What about 1 Corinthians 13:3-5? There is another trap we fall into quite easily where we go around seeking what our ears are itching to hear and spinning our cause until we hear what we want to hear (2 Timothy 4:3). Step back, and go to the Word for the truth.
What other excuses are there? Is it selfishness? I’d rather sleep in. I have to work later. I understand that people go on vacation and miss church. That is not what I am saying here. If you come to church and hear a confirming word, you are going to be more blessed than you are now. Why settle? God has great things in store for you (1 Corinthians 2:9 & Jeremiah 31:17 NJKV). If you’re running from God, you can keep running. But remember that He loves you and He will keep wooing you. If you are a shut-in or sick, you can hear the word from the internet, I-phone, or TV and receive life. God does provide a way, but the best way is face-to-face connections with saints and Christ. This is where people who are plugged into Christ engage in corporate worship and open their hearts to God. It’s glorious to hear the sound of thunder (corporate worship) and watch it rise up to heaven as people lift their voices and hands in a surrendering stance. If you have no idea what I am talking about, you need to get to church that is plugged in to God. I call it a direct connection church where you leave differently when you came in. My pastor praise this every week: “Lord may we leave here changed”.
I need to address training your children in the way they should go (Ephesians 6:4 NKJV). The need to be hiding His Word in their hearts early and learning to hear from God too (Psalms 119:11). We have a responsibility to train them both at home and at church (Proverbs 22:6 NKJV; Deuteronomy 18: 11-21 NIVV). We have all kinds of things that we want to instill in our children, but what does the Word tell us? What should be our top priority? But I am so busy and we need family time might be your excuse. Is going to church as a family, family time? Is talking about what you heard and learned over a meal is great family meal-time conversation. The answer is yes! If your spouse does not go with you to church, they may be blessed by your conversation.
So wherever you are on the topic of hearing from God, let this blog challenge you. There was pun intended in the title: What in the World Did I Eat Last Night. Feed on God and His word. Finally, please, pray and talk to God. Why not allow the slightly exposed disagreements or even temper tantrums you may have had while reading this text help you see them the excuses they really are? Admit the excuse, correct it, be freed, and walk in new life? Why stay chained in familiarity, dysfunction, and unhappiness? I do not write these words to condemn you. Think and pray about it. That’s all I ask.