As the Kingdom of God advances, the enemy roars louder and more often; I want to have every tool possible to break the chains that have been nearly cemented on His people and myself. I was reminded of the gifts of the spirit in 1 Corinthians 12: verses 7-11 (NKJV). It stated that “(7)…the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all: (8) for to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit, (9) to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healings by the same[b] Spirit, (10) to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. (11) But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills.” So, I understand that though God gives these gifts to men; each man may have some and not all of them. They also may have a deeper measure of one gift over another. Yet, in each one there is purpose.
Again, that day I received a deeper impartation. I find this essential for warrior living! Walking in these gifts, like the disciples did, is what I believe God is trying to compel His people to do. Numerous Christians are caught up in God making their lives better. Don’t get me wrong; God is in the fixing business, but He wants us to get beyond ourselves, get out there, and start walking in His gifts. When we do just that, we will be able to look back and see that He has taken care of everything.
So what happened to me this wonderful day? God confirmed some things to me. Knowing these things beyond a shadow of doubt, has freed me. I was edified and encouraged. I received the following words:
1. Music and leading worship is not the only gift! Let the gifts come out!
2. I will write and publish a book in 2011.
3. The Lord will give me Psalms with melodies, sounds and rhythms together that will reach an audience that has not been reached.
4. These songs will be simple and creative.
5. Healing will happen when I am leading worship.
6. I exhaust myself in the Lord, He strengthens me. This is the pattern.
Yes, the above is all confirmation. The Lord has asked me to write a book about taking His children into the high mountain of praise; I see how many of these gifts will operate in the writing and reading of my book. Though it was in the early 1990’s when I first heard, I am just now putting my hand to the plow. It never left my heart -I played with it off and on- then I put in on the shelf. He has also impressed upon me to use my voice and writing to put together Psalms and songs. Yep, you guessed it. I put that on shelf too. Doubt was the wall of my cessation. I could not go over it or under it. I have been asking myself these thought provoking questions: Who am I to do these things, how will I write this book and songs, who will read or buy this book and CD? Forget promoting the products, speaking, websites, and blogs, I didn’t need to worry about any of that. The devil had me stopped in his sticky tracks. It was time to go through the wall! It’s not about who I am or what I can do; it’s all about Him and what He is going to do!
I have been trying to get beyond myself, hear from God, and open my life to Him so He can move. He has used many people, objects, His word, and His voice to confirm what He is asking me to do for Him right now. I have been distracted with many things. Now I am like a mother bird getting food for her babies. I won’t stop doing it because I know that He has put food for the nations inside of my being for His people. I am prophesying to the ones He is sending me to reach: The saved, broken, chained, and lost. So, going to this conference made sense. I knew I heard about all of the things listed on the conference itinerary before I got there, but I knew God had something special planned just for me! You see I went, expected, and He showed up. I had no idea He would minister to me in such a dynamic way. God is good! He confirms; He speaks!
Reference: Bible Gateway
I Corinthians 12: 1-11
Romans 12:6
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