Ileana Reich- Writer, Poet, Psalmist, Worship Leader, Youth Pastor, Motivational Speaker, Trainer, Coach, & Teacher.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Fast-Friendly-On-The-Go Diet: 40 Year Old Female Diet Veteran Regroups

Article on Worship

Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Magical Moment in Worship
You can find this poem by clicking on the link under published poems. Or, you can go directly there by clicking below.
KudoSurf Me!
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Emily Dickenson and Me: Coming Out of Secret and into this World
Emily Dickenson and Me: Coming Out of Secret and into this World
By Ileana Reich
I have often compared my dark poetry and life to Emily Dickenson life. I researched her works and life in college. I have always wondered why she kept her poetry concealed. I can infer a lot of things. Instead of being a closet alcoholic, she was a closet writer. How many of us have done the same thing? Emily is one of the most intriguing poets I have read. Her life story is very unique. I have found a lot of similarities between our lives. She has inspired me, yet from her grave.
Emily wrote most of her life. Since I have been writing poems for almost 30 years, I see this as the first safe comparison. I have often wondered why I have only allowed a few people to see them, and why she died without letting anyone read them. I first started writing poetry and songs when I was 13. I had several of my first teenage written poems stolen from an apartment storage area when I was 18, and I was devastated by this. I was writing about death, eating disorders, faith and hope in God at that time. I was a Romanian Greek Orthodox at that time, which is a traditional church. Emily was raised in a traditional Christian home too. I kept writing all the way though adulthood, just like Emily too!
Also, Emily wrote about Nature, Death, and Love; I do the same. We both buried our poetry in a drawer. I did not want to wait until I died to allow it to be published. My work is very personal to me, and often the dark things I write about are real world experiences for me. This makes me very vulnerable. This may be why Emily didn’t get her work out there. It is much safer to keep things quiet. I think Emily had fear of rejection and acceptance. Also, what she was writing about was not traditional in nature, and it could have shocked her community. I cannot worry so much about that. Since I feel compelled to get it out there. I have to trust God on this. I also think that by getting my thoughts and feelings out there, others can be possibly be freed or helped. It also helps to know that you are not alone.
I find that I write when I am sad. Often things in the present remind me of a trauma that I had in the past, this brings what happened subconsciously right up to the forefront of the moment. I once heard this referred to as a body memory. I am trying to live in the now. I think that lately that is what I have been writing and struggling with. How does one make those body memories go away and stop coming back on their own? Did I give them the rights to do that? This sounds like another poem coming out of me.
I do believe that there is hope in Jesus and without Him I would not be alive. I hope more poems of hope and faith pour out of me. I know this will happen as I am freed!
I have an awesome link to Emily Dickenson’s poetry in my 'links of value', and my poetry can be found in the archives on this website.
(C) Ileana Reich 2008
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Twenty Feet Down
Frozen icicles hanging from a rooftop have a sure destiny.
The ultimate time of their end depends on the temperature of the air,
The wind factors, and the heat that escapes through the attic.
There is no thought about it; it just is.
They will return to the Earth one day.
Veering over a ledge looking twenty feet down.
You have choices to make.
This depends on the heaviness of your sorrow,
The amount of time you think you have left,
And your thoughts on what will happen if they do or don’t.
Neither choice seems well,
So you wait and wait!
You feel frozen like an dead icicle,
But you know that either way,
It will be over one day......
Either way!
It will be ALL over one day!
(C) Ileana Reich 2008
Friday, July 18, 2008

Why, in a split second, a murder is committed, a baby is born,
a hamster dies, a mailman retires, a drunk driver kills a woman,
an earthquake destroys an entire community, a child is kidnapped,
a person finds a job, another looses their job, one faints,
an individual gets an incurable disease,
and then a person is healed?
Why, in the blink of an eye, a soul is saved,
an angel rejoices, a teenager commits suicide, a couple gets divorced,
a couple marries, a dog gets run over by a car,
a puppy is born, a basement floods, a contract is broken,
a vow is made, a car breaks down,
one becomes sick and throws-up?
All in the blink of an eye!
(C) Ileana Reich 2004
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Air Keeps Me Alive

I clench my fists and shake them in this space.
I clench my jaws and try to hold in air.
My heart throbs laboriously.
I always come back to this hell-
Clenched fists and jaws.
Expressions escape both painfully and indignantly with each exhale.
Air- it keeps me alive.
As long as I care, I’ll keep beating the air.
Will it always be this awkward?
(C) Ileana Reich 2009
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
The Unexpected Hour

What is IT that Stocks the Soul and Wounds the broken heart?
Why do lonely and unfortunate people flock to it?
Death give answers?
Or does pain swelling Cloud the issue?
In the hour of Death one runs to it as if IT is his or her savior.
And Death, Death is often the first thing a prisoner
“How, when, where,
And, will anyone care?”
Death crawls under My door enticing Me to embrace its Haven.
The fog creeps in my soul and the cool breeze is
That I must shake myself to awaken my semi-numbed senses!
And, in the hour of Death, I unexpectedly find
Life !
Worlds Apart

Worlds Apart
On the far side of my ocean,
That’s where you are.
Our positions never meet,
They find quick defeat!
Confused, frustrated, and determined
Echoes travel across this vast distance.
Only to hit a wall,
Right in the middle of my ocean!
On the far side of the ocean
Is your cold and closed beach.
Our words disconnect over tides,
You live your own life.
Your coded, loaded, and bloated
Stiff echoing noncantankerous
Words rebound right back to your beach,
And my silent ocean is bleak.
On the far side of your scarlet beach,
Across my indigo ocean.
Our opposite worlds never meet.
I swim with shipwrecked sailors.
You fish!
(C) Ileana Reich 2008
Moment In the Sand
Tuesday, July 15, 2008

On the Edge
Blank this paper is blank
There are no words to describe it.
So many things, so many plans
Mixed thoughts, new thoughts
What does it mean?
What do they mean?
Write a novel
Sing a song
The unknown is
(C) Ileana Reich 2004

I am the only one
Who knows my life, my shame, and my pain.
My hopes, my dreams, my love, my children, my friends,
My shortcomings, and even my very end.
I am the only one who will eventually know the answers I need.
I am the only one who can know what Jesus wants me to do.
I am the only one who sees my life confused & often
And, even I have hurt others with my words and actions.
I am the one right, right now,
In this very glimmer of time that truly wants to know what to do.
(C) Ileana Reich 2004
My Dream

My Dream
In this world, we look for a place where we feel safe.
A home to speak, to wonder, and to dream in.
Far beyond the oceans, I can see it.
In this world, I hope for a place where love and joy meet.
A life to live, to laugh, and have peace in.
Far beyond the heavens, I can dream it.