Why, in a split second, a murder is committed, a baby is born,
a hamster dies, a mailman retires, a drunk driver kills a woman,
an earthquake destroys an entire community, a child is kidnapped,
a person finds a job, another looses their job, one faints,
an individual gets an incurable disease,
and then a person is healed?
Why, in a split second, a murder is committed, a baby is born,
a hamster dies, a mailman retires, a drunk driver kills a woman,
an earthquake destroys an entire community, a child is kidnapped,
a person finds a job, another looses their job, one faints,
an individual gets an incurable disease,
and then a person is healed?
Why, in the blink of an eye, a soul is saved,
an angel rejoices, a teenager commits suicide, a couple gets divorced,
a couple marries, a dog gets run over by a car,
a puppy is born, a basement floods, a contract is broken,
a vow is made, a car breaks down,
one becomes sick and throws-up?
All in the blink of an eye!
(C) Ileana Reich 2004
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