I was mediating on something that God put in my spirit yesterday morning, ironically, right after a loud outburst: You are called to praise and worship Me and to lead others into the high mountain of praise. I was corrected and put on some worship music; I apologized to my husband and God. Then I went to Biblegateway.com and began researching. I knew I had found scriptures to support what I have felt called to do many other times, but it was time for fresh oil!
I first began to think about the Red Sea and Moses’ song of triumph, as well as Miriam’s song of praise and victory. I thought about the Battle of Jericho and how the praisers and musicians led the way. They were on the frontlines! I remembered when the rituals of the Ark of the Covenant were set up in the first book of Chronicles vaguely, and that the measures or procedures were put in to place for ministers to praise God. There was even a schedule to it, but honestly, I could not remember exactly. I went to my husband, a good reference, and I went to my NIV Thompson Chain Bible.
When I was reading in Exodus, I read about Moses, a Godly leader and past murderer, who received from God. I remembered that he was called by God to deliver God’s people. No sooner did the leader disappear when he was at a meeting with God, that they were all back to the same no-good-idol-worship. They decided to make an object to worship, which was a golden calf, and break into celebration; instead, they could have danced, praise, and celebrated God. That was an awesome lesson in itself, but I was not supposed to park there. I needed to dig deeper!
I was led to Isaiah 61: 1-6 and was reminded of the words spoken and inspired via the Holy Spirit that televangelist Jimmy Swaggart preached about some twenty years ago. I had a God moment. You know one of those powerful encounters where you know the God is filling the room, sweeping over you with his presence, where your legs bring you to the ground, and you bow and worship Him moments. The Lord reminded me of the altar I had made in my living room that day. When I said yes, Lord, You have anointed me to preach the good news, help and heal the brokenhearted, to tell the good news, to set the captives free, to comfort, to give the garment of praise for heaviness, and so on… Yes, I answered His call that day! Funny thing is that I did not see that day as a defining moment or a drawing a line-in-the-sand moment, but looking back, it certainly was. It set the ball or “call” in motion.
I was meeting with a dear friend yesterday talking about my journey with God; I told her that he made himself apparent to me at specific times in my journey. As I write this, I see my life as simply a tapestry of His work, a quilt if you will. I can remember turning points in this journey and the squares or patches on my quilt have victory songs, times of mourning, times of pressing, times of training, times of joy, times of thanking, and so much more. It has been that in those quadrants of life, though they bleed over and blend, that I have answered His call. He has shown me how to live and be Isaiah 61:1-6 to a dying, hard-hearted, broken, diverse, and unique people: God’s people!
Yet, in all of this, I am STILL reminded that I praise and worship God because one, I am commanded and called. Two, because I love Him with all of my heart and am called to worship Him. Three, I am to be at my father’s business and that is to remember, thank, praise, and worship Him only!
I am reminded of when King David appointed those to minister before the Lord, which at the time the Ark of the Covenant housed the spirit of God. 1 Chronicles 16: 4 tell us that “he appointed some of the Levites to minister before the ark of the LORD, to commemorate, to thank, and to praise the LORD God of Israel”. That’s right, He has appointed me to give honor and remember Him, to thank Him for all that He has done, and to praise Him for who He is! It’s quite a responsibility and should not be taken lightly. Yes, He is putting me and the team before the people, but never to perform; instead, to honor, praise, and thanks. These three encompass our worship to Him. It’s a winning combination that leads me straight into the throne room of God. This is where He is teaching me to take His people, which are my people too. This is where He is asking me to go.
As I have learned and submitted to the threading of the needle, the quilted lessons are bringing out an unstoppable strong powerful praise. Why He has given me praise to praise through the battle. I have learned to look to Him and praise any how. The latest lesson has really released my praise. The devil cannot take my spirit from me. My life with God is eternal. While trials and sickness are difficult, I remember that God is my refuge. When I have no fear and trust Him with abandonment, I have come to a greater place with God. Not a place of title as a worship leader, but a place of closeness with God. You see the story line here is not Ileana Reich: Woman of God.
The story line and plot that unfolded in the pages of Biblical history is the same powerful and true pattern of my quilt. If you examine both, one can read the threaded words of a God who is the King of all of His People. He is higher than all other gods and idols. He is the main character of my quilt and your quilt, not you! He is the Redeemer and Savior of all of mankind. This is His story, and He has called me to tell it. He has appointed me and threaded me into life’s quilt, which belongs to Him. What an amazing journey! Thank-you Lord!
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