While preparing to read my Bible with a cup-of-java, I was inspired by the message written on my coffee cup once again; however, today I felt compelled to tell my readers about it! Meanwhile, tropical storm Debby was and still is throwing her flabby arms around wreaking havoc here in North Port, Fl; this weather reminds me of some of the dreary and depressing days I often experienced when living in MI. I couldn’t wait for the limited days of sunny summer. I was grateful when they came and sad when they went. Now living in FL, my home windows are tinted to help save money on the electric bill, making it even darker than it really is both outside and inside, especially on days like today. Was I going to embrace the message on the mug or the gloominess surrounding me?
Today’s message delivered by the coffee cup is not a scripture, though I often do drink out of mugs with scripture on them. Today's blog is medicinal in nature for relationships! The words inscribed on my mug say, “Sloppy Joe’s Key West” on it. This mug is from a family trip we took about four years ago. We traveled with dear friends as well. Whenever I drink from this cup, I am reminded of the times we had together and the love we share. I have always made it a point to purchase a coffee mug on every vacation we go on so I can remember the precious moments.
I cannot help but mention the similarity between today’s thought and communion. The scripture often read before we take part of it states, “And He took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is My body which is given for you; do this in remembrance of Me.” (Luke 22:9 NKJV). Jesus set the example for us. He wanted us to remember Him often. He never wanted us to forget what He did for us. When we get distracted and our eyes off the Lord, we can allow poison to seep into our hearts, and before we know, we forgot what we were supposed to remember. This might be the ultimate reason for the condition of being backslidden.
Sometimes we forget how blessed and loved we are by God and people. Life throws us some nasty weather, which can bog us down, and we can forget the good times. We forget God’s blessings too. Francesca Battistelli sings the song, “This is the Stuff”. The message of this song is that sometimes life throws us so much stuff that we forget we are blessed. We need to remind ourselves that we are blessed. It’s all about our focus and perception.
I recently heard someone say “you never took me anywhere to her husband”. Since I know these two well, I was shocked by her statement. It was untrue. Years of reminding herself of all of the negative things that had happened to her while being married created such a deep root of bitterness that she could not see the forest through the trees. We need to be remembered of these precious moments to help keep a healthier perspective, as well as to help keep our relationships alive. Pictures function in the same way.
So, I like to vary which mug I drink from. Sometimes I drink from a scripture cup and others times it’s a cup from a spicy get-a-way weekend. I go to the table of the Lord often as well. Either way, taking remembrance helps me to remember how loved I am. If it works for me, it will work for you too! Don’t’ forget the good and happy times; they are life to you!
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