Dear Friends,
I have been thinking a lot about my time lately and how I spend it. I want to take every opportunity to spend time with the Lord. For example, I now look at church nights as a date with Jesus. I actually got this concept from a close friend I have prayed with several times and have spoken into her life. I kept hearing Him say I am your husband. I want you to be whole. I was so happy to hear her say, "Mrs. Reich, I have date with Jesus tonight!" This was last week. Again, it renewed my thinking. Yes, I was glad that she had a rekindling of her relationship with Christ, but it really ministered to me.
I have to tell you; I am excited about date nights with Jesus. Are you? God is looking for a people who are real with Him and His people. Where do you stand? Do you date the Lord? If not, it's time to rekindle your relationship. He wants to date you. Say, yes Lord!
In Christ and with Easter remembrance and joy,
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