Sometimes it’s easier to run and
give a bad report. I feel like some days I have been up one side of the mountain and down it several times; I don’t know which end is up, but God does and so do the people of God! I need these people in my life that will help me to build an altar to God despite wherever battle or growth initiative I am in; right?

So when the crap is hitting the fan, we can be reminded who is powering the fan and what tools do we have to fight the fan or face it. On the other hand, sometimes God brings the winds of change across our lives; His handiwork is speaking a word most do not like: growth! Another word we do not naturally enjoy either is change. Yet neither are our enemies but both are often feared! Folks, a flat tire is not the end of the road. This tire can be changed.
I read
today in Ezra 3 (NIV 2011) about the rebuilding of the altar and worship being restored in Jerusalem. In verse three, I read about the fear that gripped them, though they built the altar at the beginning of the chapter. A lot of time transpired in this chapter, but in the end, God brings them to utter fulfillment and provision. However, they still built an altar and brought offerings both day and night before the promise or initiative was seen. I also read that due to an ordinance by King David that they sang and worshipped (verse 11). He had those on the front lines praising the initiative through. They led shouts of praise. Within this shout was weeping. Weeping for joy, another type of shout of praise, was happening too, but the unified shout sound of praise was so loud, one could not distinguish between the shouts of praise or the weeping praise! This is also illustrates that everyone responds to the move of God differently; either way they were fervent in it. Also, this shout of praise was not like the one in the Battle of Jericho. It was distinct and had qualaties one can learn from and practice.

Again, one can gleam much from the reported principles in this chapter and our own lives. I am not goin
g to sum up or conclude this entry totally. Please write in and tell me how God is confirming this word to you. Where are you when it comes to the rubber hitting the road? Are you bouncing back or becoming stagnant? Consider praise and worship as one tool that you have in your hand to breakthrough! And remember, you have enough tread left on your tire to make it through!

Build that altar unto God; if you are off the road, get back on!
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